A Time of Expansion and Transformation

Shirley Eagle Claw Woman håller workshop i Lönnsätter den 7 till 13 juli


Det finns platser kvar eftersom många har svårt att vara med under sex dygn. Därför finns det nu möjlighet att delta söndag kl 15 till onsdag kl 15, kostnad 4000. Anmälan se nedan.

The workshop will deal with the changes reflected in the shifting of consciousness into the Aquarian Age, and what this means.
The workshop will explore questions like
— What is all the chaos in the world about and how does this make our world more challenging and for what reasons?
— What does this mean and how is this potential for shifting the patterns of the past 7 generations? Why do we even need to do this, and what does it mean for us all from both a positive, negative and heart space?
— What role does Grandma Spider (the weaver of the web of all possibilities) have in this process?
In this workshop we will deal with questions like these and more – what each of us needs to move forward into becoming more grounded, how can we find the solid pathways of change for ourselves and our families. We will look at what this means for life and dreams of a different, more connected and integral life, committed to honesty, integrity and expansion of ourselves.
We will be using different methods to accomplish these goals. We will explore our responsibilities in all this as healers and leaders, we will explore what forgiveness of others and ourselves has in this shift, including the past 7 generations. We will use psychodramatic and spiritual practices, along with teaching and exploration of questions and patterns we all carry, and that will enable us to make incredible core changes in our lives.
This is an intense and magical workshop in every sense. Make no mistake, magic is afoot and you are part of it. Come and experience, I promise you that life will be different in so many ways.
I look forward to receiving and sharing this important process with Grandma Spider and you all.

Tid: 7/7 kl 1500 - 13/7 kl 15.00.
Ledare: Shirley Eagle Claw Woman. Assistent: Nauð Vanarot
Övernattning och kaffe/te ingår. Övrig mat medtages.
Kostnad: 7000 kronor.
Anmälan till moderjord@zaqar.se och uppge namn och mobilnummer samt betala in anmälningsavgiften 2500 kronor på bg 419-6200. Anmälan är bindande, anmälningsavgiften återbetalas ej.
Resterande kursavgift betalas i anslutning till kursen.
Lönnsätter ligger i skogen 3 mil från Linköping. Enkel matlagnings- och övernattningsstandard.